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  • Writer's pictureDr. P.K. Gupta

Erectile Dysfunction: What Are The Causes And Treatments?

“We must also not forget that some medications can influence the quality of erections and their replacement by other medications – under medical supervision – can reverse the situation”

What used to be called “sexual impotence” is now called erectile dysfunction (ED). By definition, erectile dysfunction is the inability to obtain and / or maintain penile erection “sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance”.

Several studies show that up to 52% of men may have some degree – mild, moderate or severe – of erectile dysfunction. ED significantly decreases the quality of life of many men and can also compromise the couple’s relationship. Before a great taboo – even today it is still for some men – ED is increasingly being discussed among men and their sexologists in Delhi.

From a didactic point of view, we can divide the causes of ED into two major groups: psychological and organic causes. Psychology in general is recent, with an abrupt onset and is not associated with organic risk factors. It is often intermittent, happening in some situations, with certain partners or in certain places. Many of the men report normal masturbations, but fail to achieve satisfactory erection during intercourse, says sexologist in Delhi.

Organic ED, in general, has a long history, with the quality of stiffness decreasing progressively over the months and years and is not intermittent. In general, it comes from vascular changes (arteries and veins) of the penis, changes in the innervation of the penis or endocrinological factors (men with ED should always testosterone test). It may also be due to some local diseases on the penis, such as the appearance of fibrosis, says the best sexologist in Delhi.

Risk factors

Most of the time, organic ED is related to risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, obesity (the so-called Metabolic Syndrome), sedentary lifestyle, excessive alcohol, smoking, depression etc. Changing habits and controlling these risk factors can improve erections in many men. We should also not forget that some medications can influence the quality of erections and their replacement with other medications – under medical supervision of sexologist doctor in Delhi– can reverse the situation.

When the cause is psychological, only good guidance can be enough to improve the situation, but we often have to resort to brief sexual therapy, which is usually performed between two to six months in order to reduce anxiety about sex and the called “performance fear”, which is the fear of entering into sexual intercourse and not getting an erection. Sometimes, we can associate medications with sex therapy to facilitate erection, says sex specialist in Delhi.

The first-line erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi is oral medications from the family of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. They are erection facilitators and need desire and stimulation for the erection to occur. They should be taken about an hour before intercourse.

When these drugs are not successful, the second line of treatment is drugs that can be injected into the penis using a small syringe and needle. It is usually painless, and erection occurs within 5 to 10 minutes. They are erection-inducing drugs. When these don’t work either, we can resort to penile prosthesis implantation surgery, which aims to provide adequate rigidity to the penis. Prostheses can be malleable or inflatable. The man with erectile dysfunction should see his sex doctor in Delhi to discuss the best treatment for his problem, its risks, contraindications and side effects. Currently, erectile dysfunction is always treatable, but treatment must be individualized for each patient.


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