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Effective Foods to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction

For sure pills, pumps, and certain surgeries can work for erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi, India but, isn’t it will be great if you come to know that the solution is presented within your house and that too in your kitchen.

Don’t raise your brows, it’s true and proven that certain food can improve the conditions of erectile dysfunction. However, the evidence that foods can help preventing or treating ED is probably related to a vascular connection. Basically, the erectile circumstances occur due to not enough blood supply to the penis, in this way, foods can be a great source to improve the vascular system to prevent ED.

Let’s check out the list of foods:

Leafy green vegetables – Leafy green vegetables including celery and spinach increases blood circulation due to their high concentration of nitrates. Beet juice is also considered as a great source of nitrates. Nitrates are treated as the vasodilators, that is, they open blood vessels and improve blood flow. The ED drugs recommended today are actually based on the tranquil effects of nitrates on the blood vessels that supply blood to the penis.

Flavonoids in dark chocolate – It has been a long debate about the good and bad effects of the dark chocolate on human health. But, a recent study published in a journal gives evidence that the flavonoids in dark chocolate improve blood circulation, which can actually be a great cure for erection problems. Flavonoids are naturally-occurring antioxidants that shield plants from toxins and repairs cell damage. Dark chocolate flavonoids can lower both blood pressure and cholesterol which are the factors contributing to erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi, India.

Zinc intake – The level of zinc plays an important role in the male hormone production (testosterone). Oysters and other shellfish are a rich source of zinc that stimulates the release of sexual hormones.

Nuts – Studies have shown that intake of pistachio nuts every day for at up to three weeks, results in significant improvement in a man with erectile dysfunction, sexual complications, low sexual desire, and overall better sexual satisfaction and experience.



Metro Tower Plaza, Attach To Gate No. 8, Karol Bagh Metro Station, Main Pusa Road New Delhi India 110005

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